Date : 21 Okt 2010
15wk 5days
Fetal development in pregnancy week 15:
fetus in fourth month Your nearly four-inch long gymnast is happily mobile inside your womb and if you're really lucky, you’ll notice a point when your sneezing, coughing or laughing results in a little kick here or a poke there. Still, many women don't feel anything until the 17th week or later. Although the poking and kicking isn't very charming during sleeping hours, it’s a good sign as it means your baby is actually reacting to outside events. Yay! You’ve got yourself one active healthy baby! Their little elbows and knees are bending more freely this week and their little legs are finally growing longer than their arms and getting pumped up for prenatal Richard Simmons. Many of their major organ systems are increasing in capacity—particularly that amazing tiny heart and complex circulation system, which is now pumping about 25 quarts of blood per day, and will increase to a very impressive 200 quarts per day by the end of the pregnancy. As far as hair goes, we’ve got some new scalp patterns beginning to develop on the head, although actual head hair is not yet present.-
Nice to hear, rupanya ada juga families member dan juga kwn2 yang sama saing preggy dengan saya ketika ini. So far, due date kami mmg dekat2...kira2 nnt anak kami sama age dan hopefully dpt membesar denagn sihat bersama2. Antaranya ialah Fiza my anak sepupu, K.kiah my ofismate, K.Anisah, Cikgu Lia, dan juga Ain my anak sepupu.....
Your physical changes this week
•Don’t be surprised if your shoes are feeling a little tight. It’s not your imagination. Progesterone, that all important pregnancy hormone, is great for relaxing the ligaments in your pelvis but that’s not where its effects will end. You may find your shoe size increases by at least ? a size by the end of your pregnancy, perhaps even more.
•Pass the tissues. If you’ve never had a nose bleed, don’t be alarmed if you start having them now. All that venous engorgement will make you more prone to the sniffles, nasal congestion and nose bleeds. Nose bleeds usually stop on their own but it’s important to not panic and just sit quietly until they do.
•Notice your skin clearing up? Those pimples which took up residence on your face are probably clearing and your skin isn’t so spotty. Keep up your usual cleansing and moisturising regime. You may find your skin is more oily around now and you need to change your moisturiser to suit.
•Your breasts may still be the biggest part of you currently. It’s as if a switch has been turned on making them more heavy, sensitive and sore. If you’re finding your usual bra size just isn’t big enough, get properly fitted for new maternity bras. They are an essential wardrobe item during
1. Skin care
Just nak noted here, so far apa perubahan pada ibu takat ni. Yang paling ketaranya ialah kat area kulit muka ni....aduhhh!...dikala ini, kejaiban skin care product SK11 nampak gayanya mmg tak dapat nak membantu apa2 pun...kulit muka saya ketika ini ialah bermnyak yg x dpt nk dikawal....jerawat mmg sesuka hati je tumbuh melata....dan yg paling sadisnya, jari tangan saya mmg gatal nk menekan dan mengopek....aduhh! parahhh....sudahnya mmg lah boleh lekat parut.....So, perlu ke stop dulu penggunakan air ajaib ini?.....i'm in a huge dilemma......:(
nmpk kan kulit muka yg kasar itu..huhu, pimple is eveywhere....
2. Hormon "M"
Tahap rs malas nk masak mmg wujud..tapi selera makan tetap nak...huhuhu haru betul! Lagipun bila mengenangkan En HB yang selera makannya kurang semenjak menjalani rawatan Hep C tu lagilah yg menyumbang rasa hormon "M" itu wujud. Tapi, mmg ketara x de pekdahnya pun kalau kita ni malas...sebabnya yg susahnya diri sendiri juga sbnya still nk kena pikir apa nak makan...?...Dah mmg bukan jenis suka membeli / menapau sajer bila time malas mengjengah mcm ni...pi makan kat luar / tapau..mmg terasa sgtlah duit kuarmengalir mcm air.....huhu, x bagus kan?....So, saya harap saya akan dapat melawan rasa malas itu....boleh..boleh.....
3. Body figure
"Cepat yer badan naik preggy kali ni"..tegur seorg ofismate pd saya (adakah betul jelas dah naik badan ataupun mmg dia ni jenis suka je komplen orang..). Saya angguk je sbbnya mmg saya x amalkan sbrg nak makan, saya layan je selera.....So far, berat dah naik near 6kg. part seluar slack n jenas mmg terasa dah sendatnya....Kalo tgk pic sendiri, mmg jelas nampak bahagian pinggan kebawah dah mengembang sedikit. Kalo ikut graf, msh lagi dlm keadaan terkawal. Saya sendiri pun mcm x brp excited nk tgk pic sendiri ketika ini...agaknya sbb nilah kut mood tuk snap pic seperti biasa pun jadik menurun jer..huhuhu, psikologi betul lah!...X pe lah..bak kata seorg kwn di wall FB saya "...enjoy the moment"....kan...:)

Tapi, saya msh lagi beringat...dlm berigat tu kdg2 mmg ada juga langgar pantang. Dah tau sgt x bagus makan berat bila aft 8pm...tapi nak buat mcm mana...:(, biasanya kalo weekdays balik keja mmg terasa penat..melepek dulu tuk rehat seketika....sedar x sedar dh near nak mandi n ready solat....pastu brlah jenguk dapur...ready food tgk jam rupanya kul 8pm lebih menjamu selera.....ermm, kalo time x peknen..balik keja je terus bersilat kat dapur....sambil layan my Inas, dah b4 7pm dh leh makan.....
tgk tu...dah hilang kerampingan...huhuhuhu
Kalau kat ofis..pantang tgk ada org mengunyah..mesti "nakkkk"...huhuhu, huduh lah perangai..(mujur kawan2 seme bak adik beradik..apa yg ada dikongsi bersama....mekacihh!)
note:..En Hb ada bersuara, nnt lps bersalin kena diet smula yer..kena maintain berat normal balik yer.....huhuhu
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