Wednesday, October 6, 2010

2nd trimester sudah

Date : 6 Okt 2010
13 wks 3 days

Baby Development - 13 weeks pregnant
Hints For The Week

•Start carrying around some tissues and make sure you've got plenty on hand. Nasal congestion can start from week 13 which is not because of a cold. Nose bleeds and blocked ears can also be a common symptom. These are all due to the increased blood supply to your mucous membranes.

•Avoid thinking you are now able to "eat for two". You will only p**ay for this later when it can be really hard to lose excess pregnancy weight. An ideal weight gain in pregnancy is between 10-12 kgs. Remember, it is the quality, rather than the quantity of food which you need to be careful about. Don't deny yourself the occasional treat but just be sensible about what you put into your mouth.

•Start looking for maternity clothes. Lay-By if your budget is tight or think about borrowing from someone else who has had her baby. Second hand maternity clothes are usually in great condition because they've not been worn for so long they show much wear.- Huggies last saya sudah melepasi tahap 1st trimester membawa baby kecil dlm perut ini dengan baik. So far mmg rasa lega dan seboleh mungkin saya mau fikirkan yang baik2 sahaja dan semestinya perkara positif shaja. Tiap hari dlm waktu solat saya, x putus2 saya akan memohon doa perlindungan kesihatan yang baik drpdNya....semoga diperkenan kan amin....
Birth is still months away, but your breasts may have already started making colostrum, the nutrient-rich fluid that feeds your child for the first few days after birth before your milk starts to flow.-Anmum
Duk sabar tunggu bila perut nak membesar. Seingat saya, masa peknenkan my Inas dulu pun...perut saya tak lah sebesar mana, hanya setelah masuk ke 7 bulan, brlah rata2 yg tau dan perasan nmpak perut yg saya peknen. Kata orang, kalo perut tak besar sebab perut kulitnya nipis..yang besar sgt2 (ada org mcm tu) sebab kulit perutnya tebal dan banyak ke?....Tak pelah mana2 pun, perut besar ke perut kecil ke asalkan baby yg kat dalam tu sz dan beratnya dalah normal dan sihat...sudah cukup baik kan?....
Your growing baby now measures around 8cm. They’re now very active, and stretching, kicking and turning, although they’re still far too small for you to feel it. The kidneys are starting to work and are now starting to send urine to the bladder.
Each week, your baby’s proportions become much more like that of a newborn baby, and their head is now about a third of the size of their body.- Danone Dumex
Yang pasti, masuk ke tahap 2d trimester ni...mmg saya asik2 nk ngunyah je. Doc dah checkup nnt hujung bulan berat saya hanya boleh bertambah 2 kg jer...jgn lebih2 k. Kalau mcm lapar, dpt rasa baby dlm perut mcm dok x diam jer.....ehh betul ke di minggu 13 ni dh dpt rasa baby gerak?...atau pun ada terbaca, hanya rasa mcm ada rerama yg berterbangan dlm perut nice ehh?...:) little Inas dah faham..bila saya tanya mana baby?..dia akan terus pandang ke perut saya sambil tangannya nk pegang kat situ.....nice kan?....:)

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