Friday, December 10, 2010

Tanda tonsil nak muncul...

Date : 10 De 2010
22wks 5 days

Minggu ni xselesa sbb sakit tekak..mula2 noticed tekak kering..lepas tu perit..lepas tu mula rasa mcm panas je dlm tekak.....mlm2 bangun nk buang air, tekak mesti kering + perit giler...Pastu rasa mcm mula nk bengkak dah...tengok kat cermin, mmg dah kuar tanda2 merah.....huhh! scaryy...

Saya mmg penah ada n kena tonsil...sampai bengkak bercantum anak tekak..demam menggigil..nak makan apa2 pun x boleh...sgt seram kalo diingatkan balik....So, this time bila ada tanda mcm ni...mmg saya beringat sgt2...minum plain water byk2....

Dan..disebabkan tgh peknen ni, saya malas nk berlengah lama2. Mon terus je pegi klinik, baik cepat refer dgn doc. Luckily dpt jumpa ngan Doc Azian at Al-Farabi....diberi ubat kemam, dan ubat kumur....."mesti kena makan ubat betul2.....jgn sampai demam, sbb it's not good kalo demam nnt baby pun akan turut panas.."...pesan doc. saya angguk2 tanda faham......

Tapi, dah abis ubat kemam (ubat kumur saya kurang selesa, sbb x berani reti nk berkumur...takut pulak tertelan...), masuk hr ke 3 saya berulang lg pegi menjengah ke Al-Farabi sbbnya msh x baik 100% walaupun dah ada tanda berkurangan....This time, Doc mmg terpaksa bg antibiotik (kena abiskan 5 hari) + ubat kahak sekali sbb saya mmg noticed ada lendir + kahak yg sgt x selesa di tekak terutama ketika duk baring nak tido...

Ya Allah!...semoga saya cepat sembuh!...

Minggu ni mcm byk berjalan ke mall. Sambil cuci mata dan hajat nk membeli brg keperluan tuk dinner fri ni..Ahakss!..beria2 la pulak mak buyung tuk pegi dinner ofis sendiri. Masa dinner ofis En HB x de penah pun beria amik kira sgt psl penampilan...huhuhu. Sbb br 1st time kan...ahakss!
Minggu ni jugak...mcm malas sgt nak bukak mulut tuk bercakap.....apsal tah?...hehehe. Mesti ada terasa hati ngan sesuatu kan...?....Lar hai, buat derkk je lahh...
But pregnancy can also bring on acne due to the higher levels of hormones encouraging your skin to produce more sebum. Just enough keeps skin supple but too much causes pores to become blocked, resulting in greasy skin and spots. If you’re suffering from pimples, clean your skin regularly with a gentle cleanser and use an oil-free moisturiser. Avoid rubbing or squeezing the skin and it’s also advisable not to use acne creams unless your doctor prescribes them for you. A few weeks after delivery, your skin should return to its pre-pregnancy
Pregnant lady week 22 close up
Ibu sekarang pun selalu peluk + pegang baby mcm ni....walaupun perut x berapa besar sgt,tapi tetap dah maju kedepan....:)
Speaking of shopping, it may be time for a little wardrobe overhaul. If you can’t bring yourself to buy or wear maternity clothes, look for elastic waisted pants, skirts and shorts. The days of pregnant women wearing pussy-cat bow shirts have (thankfully) passed and you’ll probably find you don’t need to vary your clothing tastes too much at 22 weeks of pregnancy. Some pregnant women love to show their belly off and don’t mind their top creeping up and their pants sitting under their little pod. There are no rules to adhere to. Do what feels comfortable for you and helps you feel good. Your baby will benefit from your sense of well-being and that can only be a great thing.
Insyallah, will going to KL this weekend.....nk jugak siponk sikit baju meternity kusus tuk wat pakai pegi ofis...Nama baby?..ibu dah sediakan...dah sellau juga panggil baby dgn nama itu..kakak Inas pun dah tau...cuma masih rahsia lagi dengan ayah...jeng..jeng..jeng....(padahal baby g or b pun belum confirm lagi.....huhuhu)
Thought about baby naming yet? This is a subject which can take up hours and hours of your time. You may be one of the lucky ones who’ve always known what you want to call your child, or your partner is very clear. Consider getting some baby name books, doing a web-search or looking through your family tree for inspiration. Listen for children’s names being called when you’re out. Be prepared to change your mind a million times; this is, after all, an important decision to get
Bila start makan vitamin baru tu, selalu je mcm nak muntah bila lepas makan. Bukannya ada rasa mabuk, tapi mungkin sbb rasa mcm kenyang kena kluarkan sikit....ermm, boleh gitu ke?...
Sometimes it's easier on pregnant stomachs to eat five or six small meals each day than three large meals. Make sure to keep a stockpile of pregnancy-friendly snacks like crackers and cheese, pudding or a breakfast bar, so that you'll have something to gnaw on throughout the day. Don't let your hungry coworkers (or your partner) know where you keep your

If you could take a peek at your child now, you’ll probably be able to discern his lips, eyelids, and eyebrows! You won’t be able to see through your abdomen, but you may notice stretch marks on it as your tummy expands to accommodate your growing child. Keeping your skin moisturised will help with any
22 Weeks Pregnant

Also, your doctor may offer you a glucose screening test sometime in the upcoming weeks. The test checks for a high blood sugar condition that some women are susceptible to during pregnancy. At most, 5 percent of women actually test positive for this problem, but if you do, you will probably have a few more follow up tests to be sure. If you end up with a positive test, make a plan with your physician or nutritionist for treatment. Untreated, the high sugar content in your blood enables the overproduction of baby fat for your little one, and often results in overly high birth weight which can induce premature birth and/or the necessity to deliver via cesarean.
Note:...Alhamdulillah, kebetulan kunjungan ke klinik sbb nak amik ubat sakit tekak ni, doc turut hulurkan result blood test tuk glukose tempohari....lega sgt bila resultnya normal dan cantik...Terima kasih Tuhan yang memudahkan urusan saya...aminnn....

Your tiny baby isn’t so tiny any more. At 27 to 28cm long, they now weigh around 9oz (0.25 KG). As their hearing and recognition improves, they’re becoming more responsive to your voice. Their face and body look much more like those of a newborn, although their skin is still transparent and they haven’t yet developed a layer of fat. During pregnancy, skin retains more water making it look more youthful, plumper and fresher and because your blood circulation has increased, skin looks rosier too. That’s why many mums are described as having a healthy pregnancy glow.

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