Friday, December 3, 2010

Perlu sarung "uniform" dah....

Date : 2 Dec 2010
21wk 4days

Excelli start last week, ibu dah mula menyarungkan "uniform"....hehehe. 1st uniform yg disarung ialah baju ketika peknenkan my Inas dulu....So far saya sendiri hy br je beli 2-3 helai, belum betul2 sopink pun for meternity clothes ni sbbnya my sis pun ada berikan koleksi baju2 maternity dia dulu. Bila sarung uniform, brlah lebih ramai yang perasaan yang saya ini ialah seorang ibu yg sedang mengandung.....X pe, ingat pesanan doc...asal status baby ok dan sihat...alhamdulillah. Perut kecik ke besar ke.....itu x penting kan.....

Niat hati, nxt wk ke KL nk jugak sopink maternity clothes, tuju ke Scarlet maternity clothes kat Jusco je kut. Bukanlah beria sgt pun nk sopink, just nk cr maternity clothes yg selesa utk dipakai ke ofis ajer. Maksud selesa tu ialah x mau yg singkat (sbb saya tinggi, agak susah nk cari yg sesuai) dan mesti sopan. Kalo takat nk pakai kat umah, x kisag sgtpun cemana gayanya....Dalam 2 minggu ni, mmg tiap kali nk ke ofis, agak feninn carik baju yg selesa....walaupun perut nampak mcm 3 bln (padahal dah 5 bln), dah rasa "se'ehh" bila pakai baju kurung or sluar slack yg sedia ada. So, bila x selesa mulalah gelisah kan...?

"determining the sex early on makes it easier to plan ahead, prepare the nursery, inform the family and purchase the right colored cigars. Of course to some parents, that’s not the point. You're going to love your little one whether they've got a cheeseburger or hot dog"
Tuk baby punya barang, x de nak plan beli apa2 lagi. lagipun belum tau boy ke girl kan? So biar dululah, masih awal lagi least next trip ke KL (hujung thn nnt) br boleh fokus psl sopink brg baby lak...

Finding it hard to sleep on your tummy? This is because you can't ignore the rather big lump which is forming in your middle. Just when you creep into bed, it seems this is a signal for your baby to wake up. Some people say this is nature's way of preparing mothers for broken sleep when the baby is born. Even so, it's hard to stay focused on nodding off when it feels like there's an acrobat flinging around in your tummy. If you're finding it impossible to go to sleep, give in and get up. A drink of milk, something light to eat, a boring book or something mindless on the television can all help your mind to switch off into neutral.
Emotional change!
•You could be getting a little stressed at this stage. If you are employed, the realisation that you'll need to take leave is dawning. Although you're probably not yet at the stage of counting down, this time will come. Get organised early on, do what you can and learn to prioritise what has to be done. Try to avoid leaving planning for the baby till the last minute. Babies often come when they are ready and can be unpredictable little creatures. Many parents have been caught short on time, thinking they had lots to spare when in reality they didn't.Your child’s initial fluttering movements have turned into kicks and nudges by now. Don’t be surprised if your tummy has also suddenly become a hand magnet.
•If you've had a child before, you may be wondering how on earth you could love another child as much as you do the first one. This is such a common concern amongst pregnant women and is really helped by talking about it. Be reassured, babies are very good at helping their parents fall in love with them. Don't agonise over endless possibilities; it takes away valuable energy from everyday
Baby's heartbeat is getting stronger and can be heard using a good old-fashioned stethoscope. Ask for a listen at your next prenatal visit! By 21 weeks, fetal bone marrow starts making blood cells—previously done by the liver and spleen. This may not sound that exciting, but it's good news

Masalah mudah nak lelap mmg dr awal peknen lagi saya alami. Selalu sgt niat dihati nak dapatkan tido yg secukupnya, seawal kul 10pm dah off to bed, tapi jrg benar dpt mudah lelapnya. Paling cepat sejam lepas golek2...ada masanya sampai 2jam melarat baru lena...huhuhu, kalo esok hari bekerja mmg tension dibuatnya....Skrg lagilah berlanjutan setelah baby mula menggeliat dan menendang kat dlm....It's normal kan....?...Bersabar je lah.....

Your child’s initial fluttering movements have turned into kicks and nudges by now. Don’t be surprised if your tummy has also suddenly become a hand

Your baby is now around 26cm long and weighs about 8oz. They can hear when you talk and sing – so now’s a good time to start one-sided conversations with them. As their kidneys are now working, they’re starting to process your baby’s own waste. The brain is developing fast too, and needs lots of omega fatty acids to sustain its growth. These building blocks come from your own internal stores, so make sure to include foods such as oily fish in your diet. They’re a prime source of omega 3.

Now that you’re getting bigger, people are probably starting to notice that you’re pregnant and you may be congratulated more frequently. You might also be feeling some aches and pain in your legs too which is understandable, given that your body has to do some extra work and being put under pressure a

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