Saturday, May 14, 2011

Scope Bronchoscopy...

At last, aftr a week dok counting time....last Thu, my Iman kena check in kat HTAA due to appoinment nk wat "scope bronchoscopy" claimed noisy breathing "stridor" tu...So, ibu awal2 lg dah set mind....tak mo lah nnt duk stress yg amat bila check in di GH ni..pepaham je lahh!

Ok...dpt katil tepi dinding share ngan my Iman. Hope x leh sempit sbb Iman kan kecik lagi..rasanya Iman patient plg kecik dlm ward Kenangan 6C ni...yg confirm mmg sure kena thn telinga dengar bunyi irama "radio buruk" kanak2 yg sakit dlm ward ni...sabar je lahhh....

Dah ready mind, mlm ni mmg x leh nak tido punya..silau lampu x tutup +jugak pintu besar tepi x tutup, nyamuk ada wehh...pluss lagi ngan cuaca panass skrg ni..uhh!..mmg sgt tension kalo x byk sabor wehh! Dan ternyata my Iman juga meragam x leh tido..panas pun yer..katil sempit pun yer..ermm nasib lah!

What To Expect During BronchoscopyYour doctor will do the bronchoscopy in an exam room at a special clinic or in a hospital. The bronchoscopy itself usually lasts about 30 minutes. But the entire procedure, including preparation and recovery time, takes about 4 hours. 
Your doctor will give you medicine through an intravenous (IV) line in your bloodstream or by mouth to make you sleepy and relaxed. 
Your doctor also will squirt or spray a liquid medicine into your nose and throat to make them numb. This helps prevent coughing and gagging when the bronchoscope (long, thin tube) is inserted. 
Then, your doctor will insert the bronchoscope through your nose or mouth and into your airways. As the tube enters your mouth, you may gag a little. Once it enters your throat, that feeling will go away. 
Your doctor will look at your vocal cords and airways through the bronchoscope (which has a light and a small camera).

Berkenaan dgn procedur scope yg nk dibuatkat Iman ni, homnstly saya pun ada agak neves gak. Cuma byk2 fikir positif je yg procedur ni biasa2 je lah...good to know lebih psl noisy breathing Iman tu. Ada sorang ibu depan katil kami ni yg anaknya akan sama nk buat procedur scope tu esok...mmg dia nmpk sgt takut dan seram sejuk bila kenangkan cemanalah anaknya nk melalui prosedur tu. Bg saya...hanya beserah segala2Nya pada Tuhan...amin..

So, rutin biasa bg prosedur mcm Iman kena puasa start kul 5am nanti. Ada 4 kes yg nk buat scope esoknnya pagi.tatau lah Iman punya turn kul berapa....Ibu terlajak tido sampai kul 7am ++ sbb penat layan ragam Iman mlm tadi...

Sharp kul 9:45pm turn Iman..b4 that diberikan ubat tido dulu..dan luckily ayah pun sampai. So sama2lah ibu dan ayah dpt masuk tgk prosedur "camera" tu....with Pakar Rspiratory Dr Fadzil....good looking man.....:)

Kjeap je masa yg's juz take 10min jer dan procedurnya x la brp "seram" pun....Alhamdulillah Iman bg kerjasama yg bagus. Rereferred pd apa yg kelihatan di monitor, mmg betul salur pernafasan Iman ada sempit sikit....dan bila ada bunyi tu mmg Iman nmpk mcm collapse sikit nafasnya...As me now earlier from Dr Yaw's normal kes for ex-prem bb...sbb masuk baby tgh fight survive dulu, kan ke ada diberi bantuan oksigen. So saluran tiub oksigen tu dah ganggu sikit dinding pada sistem respiratory....

Yang pasti.." kes noisy breathing Iman ni x serius.."normal yg sederhana". Tiada apa2 treatment medicine yg diberikan...Boleh hilang dgn sendirinya, depends pada masa..paling lama masa Iman umur setahun kut.(huhh! lamanya..). dan boleh jadi juga 2-3 ni akan jadi lebih serius..tapi do not wory to much!'s normal..." kata Dr Fadzil...." Monitor bb masa fedding.ada batuk ke?.muntah ke?...nafas laju ke?...sentiasa bunyi ke...kalo ada dtg rujuk cepat ke hospital" sambung Dr Fadzil lagi...

Lega kan...biarpun dah tau awal that "stridor" mmg tu at least bila dh melalui prosedur yg sebetulnya cengini, br betul2 boleh puas hati..x de la ibu duk "panas" je kat umah bila Iman buat perangai kan...Lagi satu, kalo ikut jwpn Doc, apsal iman adakalnya mcm memberontak bila feeding...tu x de kena mengena ngan noisy breathing tu."Tu namanya perangai...tatau la dia ikut perangai ibu ke perangai ayah.."...huhu jawab Doc Sumithra.....

So, lepas ni..ibu x yah runsing2 lagi.jaga Iman n Inas as well baik2. Insyallah..Iman akan gemuk nanti..feeding mcm biasa...take positif okehh!

Note:..berdebar nak tau brp bil spital nk kena bayor..tapi rupanya 3 hinggit ajer...huhuhu!

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