Date : 6 September 2101
9 weeks
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By now, your child’s little organs have all formed, and she’s starting to gain weight. With that, you’ll also find your waist thickening a bit, although you may still not look pregnant.
We’re afraid that during this time, your morning sickness and other physical symptoms will also be out in full force. It’s also normal to feel a bit more emotional. But fret not, the moodiness you’re experiencing will most likely ease up in the second trimester.- Anmum
•Your baby is now 2.5 cm long or 1 inch in the old scale. This week it's the size of a green olive, not one of the huge ones mind you, just one of the average sized ones.
•If you have an ante-natal appointment this week, your midwife or obstetrician will be able to hear the baby's heart beat with a Doppler. Have the tissues ready, this is a special time and really brings the reality of your pregnancy home.
•By the start of week 9, your baby's eyes have grown bigger and even have some pigment (colour) to them. Most babies are born with blue or brown eyes. Your baby's permanent eye colour will become obvious between 6-9 months and is strongly influenced by the genetics they inherit from you and their dad.
•Your baby's ears are forming, both inside and out. Inside their mouth is the tiniest of tongues and even their tooth buds are forming in their jaw.- Huggies
Minggu ni masuk 9 minggu usia anak ibu. Minggu ni insyallah kita semua umat islam bakal meraikan kedatangan Syawal yang mulia. Ibu happy sbb kali ini insyallah berpeluang utk berpuasa penuh di bulan Ramadhan ini. Terima kasih kpd anak ibu yang didalam ini kerana tak byk ragam...x buat ibu mabuk2 x oleh makan itu ini...alhamdulillah!...aminnnn...
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